Monday, November 3, 2014

This Life I Live

Do y'all just ever have a downer day for what seems like no reason? I have every single reason to be up beat and excited right now, but I feel like my world is being rocked. 

Blood transfusion while in ICU
I just got out of the hospital yesterday. I was in for two and a half weeks. Initially I was admitted for lung function and weight, but ended up in ICU for GI issues. There was nothing more that could be done for me in the hospital so they sent me home and are keeping a close eye on me. I have a clinic appointment with PFTs and lab draws on Thursday this week to check up. We'll see if I need further GI follow up at that time. 

Things with marriage are going ok right now. Justin and I have definitely had our issues, but lately things have been good. 

Life is looking good in so many ways. I am working on getting my health insurance straightened out. Family life is great. I really don't have anything to feel depressed about, yet I still do.

Maybe its seeing so much loss via social media. Over the last month alone so many people have passed from the same disease I fight against every single day. Some of them are here one day and gone the next. Its a huge shock at times... 

 Morgan does an amazing job describing CF from a Cystic Fibrosis sufferer's perspective, not the medical definition, but the emotions. 

I don't really know why I've been feeling the way I am, but I know I just need to breathe and leave it to God. He will always provide. He always has the right answers, I just need to listen. <3

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